
{{title}} - Day {{day}}{{title == "Ethical Spud" && "UN" || "\u2620"}}

Welcome to Ethical Spud. Have a potato day.

As the owner and operator of a food truck, your mission is to cook and sell French fries to your hungry customers.

But beware! Recent advancements at the Ludum Dare School of Potato Studies have raised public awareness that fries are murder and potatoes are people, too. Expect some protesters to rain on your parade, starch-mouth.

Run the food truck for as long as you can without ending a day in debt.



Cash {{cash | currency}}
Potatoes on hand {{potato | number:1}} lbs.
PotaTofus on hand {{tofu | number:1}} lbs.
Fixed daily costs {{fixedCosts | currency}} (License, fuel, etc.)
lbs. ({{potatoPrice | currency}} per pound)
lbs. ({{tofuPrice | currency}} per pound)
lbs. ({{cookTime * 5 | number:0}} minutes per batch)
minutes (they can get stale)
({{servingsPerPound | number:0}} servings per pound)
Fryer oil     ({{getOilAge() | number:0}} {{getOilAge() == 1 && "day" || "days"}} old, {{oilPrice | currency}})
Currently {{getCurrentState()}}
Cash {{cash | currency}}
Customers in line {{lengthQueue()}}
Fries {{cookedFries}}
Sales today {{sales}}
Complaints today {{complaints}}
Protests today {{protests}}
Potatoes {{potato | number:1}} lbs.
PotaTofus {{tofu | number:1}} lbs.

Everybody loses.

You lose.

Shop {{title}}
Survived to Day {{day}}
Cash {{cash | currency}}
Total sales {{totalSales}}
Total complaints {{totalComplaints}}
Total protests {{totalProtests}}
Total servings discarded {{totalWastedFries}}
Total potatoes wasted {{totalWastedPotatoes | number:1}} lbs.
Potatoes harmed {{totalPotatoes | number:1}} lbs.

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